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[E] Jmurp7385
[E] Jmurp7385
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over 12 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Im sorry i did not read carefully enough i will read them through again i promise. It wont ever happen again. This is the only Minecraft server i use and all my friends are on it. I will follow every rule
over 12 years ago
When I was banned: (date) July 15 Whobanned me: mybestfriend2011 Reason why i was banned: Stealing and Griefing I did not know that i was stealing or griefing his home. i was just digging in the slave pit for more metal ore and other rarities and i came through the wall and found a room with chests and a furnace and a crafting table. I checked the chests to find out if they we anyones and the first one i checked was not so i took the stuff. i did not know at the time that it was his house. I am willing to compensate his losses with 1000mtc, a stack of gold coal iron and lapislazuli, and half a stack of diamonds, and 3 diamond pick axes. I am greatly sorry and this i am sure, will never happen again.
over 12 years ago
I will give 1000 mtc a stack of iron gold lapis lazuli and half a stack of diamond along with 3 diamond pickaxes
over 12 years ago
I was banned for greifing and stealing from mybestfriend2011, but the chests were unregistered. I am really sorry and it will never happen again. I am will to pay some sort of compesation for the items. Please remove my ban. This is my only server
over 12 years ago